Sure-Reach Worldwide Express Sdn Bhd banner company
jobs in Sure-Reach Worldwide Express Sdn Bhd

Sure-Reach Worldwide Express Sdn Bhd

Company SSM No 600702-X · 201-500 Employees · Transportation / Logistics

Tentang Sure-Reach Worldwide Express Sdn Bhd

Sure-Reach Group of Companies provides critical outsourcing services in the areas of Worldwide Courier and Customized Logistics, Records Management, and Document Imaging. We are currently seeking dynamic and suitably qualified candidates to be part of our team. We welcome all applications for all positions.

Maklumat Sure-Reach Worldwide Express Sdn Bhd

Nama Syarikat

Sure-Reach Worldwide Express Sdn Bhd

Jenis Syarikat


Saiz Syarikat



Transportation / Logistics

No. SSM Syarikat


Peluang Pekerjaan


Alamat Sure-Reach Worldwide Express Sdn Bhd

40 Jalan Penchala 46050 Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia, Malaysia

Ulasan Sure-Reach Worldwide Express Sdn Bhd

(2 total reviews)

"An excellent leader"

Workers are valued and recognized for their efforts, and they can expect to be rewarded for their hard work.

"not very efficient or effective"

It is important for management to improve staff benefits and the working environment. It is recommended that management regularly meet with employees to understand their workload and ensure integration within the team.