When stories from books come alive through events, activities and performances, especially for children age below 12.
THE STORY BOOK provides storytelling events based on stories from books, mainly for young children and families. THE STORY BOOK's events have been conducted at Sunway Velocity Mall, The School at Jaya One (our corporate partners) bookshops, state libraries (Pustaka Negeri Sarawak), international schools and pre-schools. THE STORY BOOK is based at Phileo Damansara 1, Petaling Jaya but rotates our events at different locations. www.thestorybook.my
In September 2020, THE STORY BOOK started THE STORY BOOK Academy, which conducts roleplay and narrating classes using stories from books. We also conduct interactive narrating classes for adults and educators. www.thestorybook.my/academy
Maklumat The Story World Sdn Bhd
Nama Syarikat
The Story World Sdn Bhd
Jenis Syarikat
Small-Medium Enterprize
Saiz Syarikat
Exhibitions / Event Mgmt
No. SSM Syarikat
Peluang Pekerjaan
Media Sosial Syarikat
Alamat The Story World Sdn Bhd
B-5-2, Phileo Damansara 1, Jalan 16/11, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia