WAFA AINARISHA BINTI WAHIDIN10 bulan yang lepasAbout Job Interview

Time interview HR bagitau mungkin jawapan akan diberikan dalam masa 2-3 hari sebab saya mintak masuk secepat yg mungkin. Tapi bila saya masuk HR Whatsapp jawapan akan diberikan dalam masa seminggu.

Adakah itu normal?
Zainal Arief's avatar'
Zainal Arief10 bulan yang lepas
It is not uncommon for there to be a discrepancy between the response time promised during an interview and the actual response time from HR. However, it is important for HR to set realistic expectations for applicants and communicate any potential delays in the hiring process. In this case, one week for a response via WhatsApp may seem lengthy, but there could be a number of reasons for the delay such as a high volume of applicants or internal team coordination. Applicants should follow up politely with HR to inquire about their status in the process and demonstrate their continued interest in the position.