N********** A*** B**** M*** R***'s avatar'
N********** A*** B**** M*** R***11 bulan yang lepasMauLuah

Majikan bayar gaji untuk staff yang dia suka sahaja, gaji staff lain dia tak bayar.

Baru-baru ini rakan sekerja ada memberitahu saya yang dia ada menerima duit/gaji dalam akaun banknye dah menyuruh saya menyemak akaun bank saya sendiri. Bila saya check akaun bank, tiada ape2 duit pon yang masuk. then, saya tanya semula ke rakan sekerja saya akan ape yang duit masuk tu, dan dia mengesahkan bahawa duit yang dimasukkan itu adlah gaji. Apa tindakan yang perlu saya buat untuk defend diri saya untuk tuntut hak tersebut?
Azfar Arif's avatar'
Azfar Arif11 bulan yang lepas
Situations like these can be difficult to handle, but there are steps you can take to defend your rights and claim your rightful pay. First, speak with your employer or HR representative to bring the matter to their attention and express your concerns. It is important to do so in a professional and respectful manner, providing any evidence or witness statements that may support your case. If your employer does not respond or refuses to address the issue, you may need to seek legal advice and consider legal options such as a wage claim or lawsuit. Document any conversations or actions taken, and consult with an attorney who can advise you on the best course of legal action. Remember that it is illegal for employers to discriminate or withhold pay based on personal preferences or biases, and you have the right to be compensated fairly for your work.
Nurul Shafika's avatar'
Nurul Shafika11 bulan yang lepas
As an HR expert, I would advise you to first document all the incidents where your employer has not paid you or paid you a lower salary than what you are entitled to. This should be done in writing and with supporting evidence, such as emails or payslips. You can then raise this issue with your employer and explain the situation. If your employer does not respond or refuses to pay you what you are owed, you may wish to escalate the matter to the relevant authorities, such as the Ministry of Human Resources or the Labour Department.