I’m Unhappy At Work, Is It Too Late To Change Career?
# Pengetahuan Pekerja

I’m Unhappy At Work, Is It Too Late To Change Career?

post by Danial

by Danial

Aug 7, 2019
pada 12:03 PM

Do you ever feel like you want to try working in another industry? Perhaps you feel like you need a new beginning, or maybe you want to pursue new interests? Whatever reasons you might have, you have to search for signs that can truly determine that you should change careers. This is a huge step in your life, and you don’t to make a big mistake that could affect your life.

So, how can you tell if you should change careers or not?


1. You are extremely tired and burned out

If you experience chronic illnesses and exhaustion, the first place you would want to look is your job. We spend more hours working than doing anything else, and if you don’t like your work, your work won’t like you back. A overly-stressful work can easily make your body break down.

Your body tells you what your lips cannot. It may be your specific job or bad work environment that are breaking you down, but often it’s your entire career that needs a change.


2. Your work and skills are not you at all.

This can be surprising for people that are very good at work that they hate.

For example, a person who is used to be very good at presentations, but inside it was a struggle for them. They couldn’t seem to hold onto the key points of the presentations because they just do not care about them.


3. You feel like even your salary cannot make you happy

Most people who dislike their job but afraid to change would say that they don’t want to quit because the money is too good. But for others, there comes a time when they say “I have this money, but I hate how I spend my life making it.”

They start to rethink their priorities and their abilities, and then they open their eyes to new ways they can make money without having to give up their happiness.


4. You made the “right” choices in your career, but it still feels wrong

So many people have made all the “right” choices, done all the right things, so when they wake up bored to death with their work, they feel shocked and confused.

One thing you should know is that the “right” choices usually had to do with pleasing others, taking work or a promotion that fell into your lap instead of asking yourself the real questions such as “Is this where I belong?”

5. You feel like you could use your talents and abilities in a different way

If you think that “there’s got to be more in life than this”, then you should know that there IS more to life than what you’re currently doing.

There’s another way to live and work, even though you don’t know about it yet. Research about different career paths that could use your current skills and ability. From there, look for ways to upgrade your skills in your current job that could be used in your future career.


When you’re ready to start applying for jobs in your new industry, be sure to go on Maukerja and search for the right job. If you’re not sure if the offered salary is right, you can go check Maukerja’s salary report to find out.

This article is based on 5 Ways To Tell If You Need A Career Change by Kathy Caprino