AFG Commodity Trading Sdn Bhd banner company

AFG Commodity Trading Sdn Bhd

Company SSM No 1292992-W · 1-50 Employees · General / Wholesale Trading

Tentang AFG Commodity Trading Sdn Bhd

We are a new trading company with decades of experience in trade in SEA, Asia and Europe. With affiliated offices through out the reagion we are looking forward to build this new company quickly and professionally. Our main trade is in Steel and Steel or Ferrous related products. However we are open to look into other commodities over some time to further build our portfolio.

Maklumat AFG Commodity Trading Sdn Bhd

Nama Syarikat

AFG Commodity Trading Sdn Bhd

Jenis Syarikat


Saiz Syarikat



General / Wholesale Trading

No. SSM Syarikat


Peluang Pekerjaan