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jobs in Hirose Electric (M) Sdn Bhd

Hirose Electric (M) Sdn Bhd Hirose Electric (M) Sdn Bhd  is top company

Company SSM No 185819-K · >500 Employees · Manufacturing / Production


Ulasan Syarikat Hirose Electric (M) Sdn Bhd

(10 total reviews)

Hirose Electric (M) Sdn Bhd has an impressive average score of 4.4. Employees appreciate the positive work environment, highlighting strong teamwork and respect among colleagues. The company offers excellent opportunities for personal and professional growth, particularly in technical skills, with supportive management encouraging self-improvement. Additionally, employees benefit from various perks such as meals, uniforms, and bonuses. The friendly atmosphere and commitment to helping each other advance make it an ideal place to start and develop a career. – This review summary is generated by AI

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Ulasan Hirose Electric (M) Sdn Bhd


pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Creating positive work environments"

The individuals employed here are extremely dedicated and loyal, showing respect for one another and sharing their knowledge. I learned how to operate and manage the machinery used in the processing.

Laboratory Assistant

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Collaborate with a partner to conduct two types of analysis."

In this situation, I am required to conduct two types of analysis: volumetric analysis and machine analysis. The machines I need to use for the analysis include ICP, UV, and GC machines, which are extremely sensitive and must be handled with care to avoid inaccurate results. These machines also need to be calibrated regularly to ensure their proper functioning.

assistant planner

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, Less than 1 year tahun dalam jawatan ini

"This is an excellent opportunity for employment!"

Being able to acquire new skills and facing real-world challenges is a valuable aspect of working in this company. Employees receive various benefits including meals, uniforms, accommodation, bonuses, and more. Each individual understands their responsibilities and is willing to share knowledge to help others advance in their careers.

Assistant engineer

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, 1 to 2 years tahun dalam jawatan ini

"An ideal starting point for your career."

I have been presented with numerous chances to acquire new knowledge, particularly in technical areas like jig troubleshooting and technical drawings, which I have limited experience with from my time in school. The company specializes in producing high-quality electronic connectors, and being a part of the Hirose Electric Group in Japan provides a great opportunity for training opportunities in Japan.

Quality engineer

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, 3 to 4 years tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Exciting chance for personal growth and improvement"

The company's top management provides opportunities for self-improvement and growth. It is an excellent place to gain experience in completing work to high quality standards. The work environment is welcoming, with friendly coworkers who are willing to help newcomers. Additionally, the company organizes sports events every weekend and annual tournaments like futsal and badminton.

Ulasan syarikat yang dipaparkan di platform kami adalah ungkapan dan pandangan penulis individu semata-mata dan tidak sepatutnya ditafsirkan sebagai mewakili pandangan atau pendirian Maukerja atau pekerjanya. Maukerja tidak mengesahkan ketepatan atau keaslian kandungan dalam ulasan ini, dan tidak menyokong atau bersetuju dengan kenyataan yang dibuat di dalamnya.

Tujuan penerbitan ulasan ini adalah semata-mata untuk maklumat, bertujuan untuk membantu pencari kerja dalam usaha mereka mencari peluang pekerjaan.