SNS Network (M) Sdn Bhd banner company
jobs in SNS Network (M) Sdn Bhd

SNS Network (M) Sdn Bhd SNS Network (M) Sdn Bhd is top company

Company SSM No 200001009450 (512056-K) · >500 Employees · IT / Hardware


Ulasan Syarikat SNS Network (M) Sdn Bhd

(21 total reviews)

SNS Network (M) Sdn Bhd has an average score of 4.4. Employees appreciate the relaxed work environment and flexible schedules, allowing them to plan their time effectively. The company promotes a supportive culture with understanding management, particularly in emergencies. Regular training is provided, ensuring staff are well-equipped to assist customers. The team is friendly and approachable, contributing to an enjoyable workplace atmosphere. Overall, SNS Network fosters a positive and collaborative environment that encourages employee growth and satisfaction. – This review summary is generated by AI

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Ulasan SNS Network (M) Sdn Bhd

Retail Sales Associate

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Enjoyable and pleasant work atmosphere"

Interacting with walk-in customers can help improve self-assurance when speaking to unfamiliar individuals. The most challenging aspect of this role is when there are no customers present, as it can be both enjoyable and frustrating to have excess free time and earn lower commissions.

Lead Consultant

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Quality Assurance Specialist"

This is an excellent place to work with incredible opportunities to succeed and make a positive impact on Accenture's achievements. I have gained valuable knowledge in various areas throughout the organization.

Retail Sales Associate

Bekas Pekerja, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Efficient work environment"

In my role as a retail salesperson for the network company, I take pleasure in researching the specifications of the products, even though I may not have a strong understanding of them initially. It is important for me to enhance my knowledge in order to effectively persuade customers about the product.

Retail Sales Associate

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, tahun dalam jawatan ini


Working for this company has been a positive experience overall. Colleagues and management are great, but it can be challenging to reach the necessary GP for commission. The salary is fair for the job requirements, but there are limited opportunities for additional earnings.

Technical Assistant

Bekas Pekerja, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Exciting Work Environment"

Advantages include flexible working hours, supportive coworkers, lack of office politics, and a focus on marketing. Disadvantages include a customer-centric approach, heavy workload, limited parking, and low salary with no raises.

Ulasan syarikat yang dipaparkan di platform kami adalah ungkapan dan pandangan penulis individu semata-mata dan tidak sepatutnya ditafsirkan sebagai mewakili pandangan atau pendirian Maukerja atau pekerjanya. Maukerja tidak mengesahkan ketepatan atau keaslian kandungan dalam ulasan ini, dan tidak menyokong atau bersetuju dengan kenyataan yang dibuat di dalamnya.

Tujuan penerbitan ulasan ini adalah semata-mata untuk maklumat, bertujuan untuk membantu pencari kerja dalam usaha mereka mencari peluang pekerjaan.