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jobs in Stagnotech Sdn Bhd

Stagnotech Sdn Bhd

Company SSM No 458084-A · 50-200 Employees · Engineering / Technical Consulting


Ulasan Syarikat Stagnotech Sdn Bhd

(16 total reviews)

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Ulasan Stagnotech Sdn Bhd

chargeman A4

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"regular tasks"

Every day, I check the electrical components and inspect their condition as part of my routine. I find the workplace culture lacking in enjoyment and believe that management at the site could use some improvement.

Mechanical Technician

Bekas Pekerja, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"A place of learning with excellent staff members"

Complete daily planned preventive maintenance for the building, including tasks related to air conditioning, plumbing, and firefighting. The management is reliable, and there is a workplace culture that balances productivity with relaxation. The most challenging times are when urgent issues arise, but the most rewarding moments come from gaining hands-on experience during the work period.

Civil Engineer

Bekas Pekerja, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Excellent supervisors and leadership"

Occasionally, days are busy while other times are more relaxed. In order to succeed, it is important to remain humble and open to learning from those with more experience. A positive and enjoyable work environment is fostered through friendships and teamwork.

Administrative Assistant

Bekas Pekerja, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Efficient and enjoyable work environment."

A workplace that is both productive and enjoyable is created by fostering a relaxed and fun atmosphere where colleagues can bond and build trust through honest and open communication.

Construction manager

Bekas Pekerja, 1 to 2 years tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Excellent working environment"

There are two effective ways for management to communicate with staff. Staff members are valuable assets to the company. The teamwork and collaboration between staff and management is excellent. The cooperation from the board of directors is exceptional. The working environment is positive, with all departmental staff willing to work together and help solve any site-related issues.

Ulasan syarikat yang dipaparkan di platform kami adalah ungkapan dan pandangan penulis individu semata-mata dan tidak sepatutnya ditafsirkan sebagai mewakili pandangan atau pendirian Maukerja atau pekerjanya. Maukerja tidak mengesahkan ketepatan atau keaslian kandungan dalam ulasan ini, dan tidak menyokong atau bersetuju dengan kenyataan yang dibuat di dalamnya.

Tujuan penerbitan ulasan ini adalah semata-mata untuk maklumat, bertujuan untuk membantu pencari kerja dalam usaha mereka mencari peluang pekerjaan.