Watsons Personal Care Stores Sdn Bhd banner company
jobs in Watsons Personal Care Stores Sdn Bhd

Watsons Personal Care Stores Sdn Bhd Watsons Personal Care Stores Sdn Bhd is top company

Company SSM No 289892-V · >500 Employees · Retail / Merchandise


Ulasan Syarikat Watsons Personal Care Stores Sdn Bhd

(223 total reviews)

Watsons Personal Care Stores Sdn Bhd has an average score of 4.4. Employees appreciate the efficient and enjoyable work environment, highlighting the friendly management that provides excellent training and support. The workplace culture is vibrant, with opportunities for interaction and collaboration among diverse personalities. Many enjoy learning new sales techniques and taking initiative in their roles. Overall, Watsons fosters a supportive atmosphere that encourages personal growth and teamwork, making it a rewarding place to work. – This review summary is generated by AI

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Ulasan Watsons Personal Care Stores Sdn Bhd

Customer representative

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, Less than 1 year tahun dalam jawatan ini

"I enjoy working with this company a lot."

Helpful employees and welcoming atmosphere.

Sales Assistant

Bekas Pekerja, Less than 1 year tahun dalam jawatan ini


Every morning at work, there is a meeting where the manager provides a daily briefing on the key performance indicators (KPIs).


pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, Less than 1 year tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Improve interpersonal skills"

Having a positive experience interacting with individuals and providing consultation, the employer provided an opportunity for personal development and growth.


Bekas Pekerja, 1 to 2 years tahun dalam jawatan ini

"I can see all of my close friends when I arrive at work."

The staff is very caring and has made me develop a strong affection for all of you.

Store assistant supervisor

Bekas Pekerja, Less than 1 year tahun dalam jawatan ini

"It is beneficial to gain experience in retail that goes beyond just focusing on sales."

The adherence to standard operating procedures and work discipline at Watsons, and the advantages it brings.

Ulasan syarikat yang dipaparkan di platform kami adalah ungkapan dan pandangan penulis individu semata-mata dan tidak sepatutnya ditafsirkan sebagai mewakili pandangan atau pendirian Maukerja atau pekerjanya. Maukerja tidak mengesahkan ketepatan atau keaslian kandungan dalam ulasan ini, dan tidak menyokong atau bersetuju dengan kenyataan yang dibuat di dalamnya.

Tujuan penerbitan ulasan ini adalah semata-mata untuk maklumat, bertujuan untuk membantu pencari kerja dalam usaha mereka mencari peluang pekerjaan.