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jobs in Tumpat Solutions Sdn Bhd

Tumpat Solutions Sdn Bhd Tumpat Solutions Sdn Bhd is top company

Company SSM No 653942-D · <50 Employees · Engineering / Technical Consulting


Ulasan Syarikat Tumpat Solutions Sdn Bhd

(6 total reviews)

Tumpat Solutions Sdn Bhd has received positive feedback with an average score of 4.5. Employees appreciate the exciting and relaxed work environment, where they can learn from experienced colleagues and gain valuable skills, especially in site work. The company fosters a supportive atmosphere with friendly coworkers and supervisors who are always available to provide guidance. Respect for individual practices and a focus on teamwork further enhance the overall employee experience, making it an ideal place for career development. – This review summary is generated by AI

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Ulasan Tumpat Solutions Sdn Bhd

Junior Technician

Bekas Pekerja, tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Exciting and relaxed work environment"

Mostly working on-site with customers. Always able to learn new things from more experienced colleagues. Friendly and cheerful coworkers. Respect for workers' religious practices without interruption.

Technical engineer

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, Less than 1 year tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Exciting Environment"

Having a strong leader leads to content followers. Each member of the team is skilled in their role within the company. The director regularly holds training sessions to enhance the knowledge of the employees and keep them informed about new technologies, particularly in the field of telecommunications. Many employees choose to stay with the company due to its dynamic performance and the caring nature of the director. Being a part of the Tumpat Solutions family has been the highlight of my career journey so far.


Bekas Pekerja, Less than 1 year tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Project site reporting"

Touring the project location

Office staff

pekerja yang sedang berkhidmat, Less than 1 year tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Supportive colleagues and supervisors, offering ample opportunities for learning."

You can always seek guidance and have conversations with your boss and coworkers if you have any questions.

Internship trainee

Bekas Pekerja, Less than 1 year tahun dalam jawatan ini

"Acquired new skills in handling tasks"

The team performed well in all group tasks, demonstrating professionalism throughout.

Ulasan syarikat yang dipaparkan di platform kami adalah ungkapan dan pandangan penulis individu semata-mata dan tidak sepatutnya ditafsirkan sebagai mewakili pandangan atau pendirian Maukerja atau pekerjanya. Maukerja tidak mengesahkan ketepatan atau keaslian kandungan dalam ulasan ini, dan tidak menyokong atau bersetuju dengan kenyataan yang dibuat di dalamnya.

Tujuan penerbitan ulasan ini adalah semata-mata untuk maklumat, bertujuan untuk membantu pencari kerja dalam usaha mereka mencari peluang pekerjaan.