a***** m*****'s avatar'
a***** m*****11 bulan yang lepasResignation Concerns

Saya ingin berhenti kerja dengan seminggu notis disebabkan syarikat baru meminta masuk awal.

Saya ingin berhenti kerja dengan seminggu notis. Tetapi di dalam kontrak ada menyebutkan tentang durasi notis saya 1 bulan atau perlu membayar gaji bersamaan satu bulan jika berhenti serta merta. Bolehkah saya berhenti 1 minggu dan membayar penalty berdasarkan tarikh ahkhir saya hingga tamat notis. Kerja saya sekarang agak banyak, adakah pihak syarikat berhak reject resignation saya.
Nurul Khalidah's avatar'
Nurul Khalidah11 bulan yang lepas
Based on the contract terms, the duration of notice period is one month or the employee must pay for one month's salary if they resign immediately. However, if the employee wishes to resign with only one week's notice, they can offer to pay the penalty based on the salary until the end of the notice period. Whether the company accepts or rejects the resignation is up to their discretion, but it is important for the employee to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the contract terms to avoid breaching the agreement.